Introducing Fantour

2 min readJun 24, 2021

Imagine there is a place where celebriteis and fans meet together and exchange their values? Fantour, the world’s first Celebrities and Fans oritented NFT markets, has come in place.

The ‘fan economy’ refers to a business model in which economic and social benefits are generated based on the relationship between fans and the people they follow. In addition to the event tickets revenue, media broadcast, advertising revenue, and products endorsed by sports stars, there are many direct and indirect derivative business opportunities that allow manufacturers to earn via fan economy. Building brand awareness, increasing ROAS become the most important key to succeed not only for influencers but also for the companies.

In 6 Apr, 2021, a Korean K-POP band, The BTS Army showed up — virtually — in huge numbers to their idols’ online concert, holding their signature light sticks and sharing messages in a chatroom. The Live drew 1.33 million paid viewers, with more than 71 million US dollars in ticket and merchandise revenues. Online events, live streaming is now a new outlet in the era of fan economy.

Fantour NFT Marketplace is committed to let fans directly interact, or even earn with their celebrities using blockchain. We are a decentralized platform that allowed users buy, sell and trade any kinds of celebrities related products:

  • Online Event tickets
  • Digital Music
  • Concert Merchandises
  • Memorabilia
  • And more and more

Unlike other NFT marketplaces, Fantour has a Unique Token Distribution Mechanism, which will draw 10% of Fant Token into a specific pool.These tokens are exclusive to celebrity members. We have named 200 celebrities upfront. These 200 celebrities will be allowed to claim tokens according to their social media followers size. Once they registered on Fantour, they can withdrew those tokens or utilize them in all activities on the platform.

In addition to the initial token distribution, Fantour send tokens reward to each valid transaction. Reward will also go into the celebrity pool, and will be distributed to fans and celebrities in a weighted average ratio. Please check the white paper for more detailed information and distribution rules.

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. To learn more about Fantour, visit, subscribe to the Fantour medium page, and follow @FantourOfficial on Twitter. Please stay tuned for the project update.




Fantour is the first Celebrities-oriented NFT Marketplace.